MPS Made SimpleWhat is MPS?When you hear the term “Managed Print Service” or MPS, does the image of a large printer press come to mind? Are you thinking about letterhead, business cards and brochures? Don’t worry, it’s a common misconception, so let’s clearly define what MPS is and how a Managed Print Services environment can improve your office's everyday printing, copying and faxing tasks. MPS is all about what and how your office prints on the printers that reside in your office(s). To make it simple, MPS is all about getting your arms around your office’s entire printer fleet, providing tools to monitor and manage your devices, deliver supplies and offer optional on-site service to keep your devices up and running. Regency offers all this and more while still producing a significant savings to your organization. To make it simple
MPS is highly customizable with a variety of services available that allow both large and small businesses to streamline total document production and business processes. This solution covers all aspects including supplies, service and the printers themselves; resulting in increased profits and employee productivity. The benefits are abundant because MPS allows your business to have complete visibility of your printing environment and allocate their resources more efficiently. You’ve probably heard and even used the phrase, “You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure,” but this concept holds true here more than you think. For the first time, you will have the ability to see all of your costs associated with printing in one easy place. No more guesswork and uninformed decisions. As print, copier and fax devices become more expensive, complex (more moving parts for automatic document feeding, duplexing, finishing) and handle higher volumes-organizing financing, help desk support, hardware and supplies into a single contract makes sense. But, to fully benefit from MPS, a company should have a comprehensive analysis with an emphasis on helping them spend less, not purchase more. At Regency, we work with you to make sure your current devices are in the right place for the right application at the right volume. MPS involves the supplies needed to operate your printers, dependable software to easily monitor the printer fleet, and rapid and complete on-site service to quickly repair any malfunctioning printer. It is an all-encompassing program designed to produce a significant savings while enhancing productivity. Does it matter?Absolutely! Printing is now the single largest unaudited business expense. According to industry experts, by the year 2013 it is expected that over 50% of multi-function print devices will be managed under this type of contract. Why? Because printing costs are out of control and rising. In 2009, just 10% of print volume was color, but accounted for 50% of the overall costs. By 2013, color volumes are predicted to be 45%, and though costs are dropping, color is still 5-10 times more expensive than black and white printing. What is driving this change?
What can Managed Print Services do for you?
The key to making the right decision in choosing an MPS program is to understand all of the options available to you, as well as recognizing the specific needs of your business. The right MPS program should be tailored to fit your business’ needs.